Have a security right to disable the wait/will call button in the appointment information screen
this feature would allow someone who hits it to understand what it is, and to be sure they want to remove the appt from the appt book so that appointments don't disappear by accident when someone means to hit skd next
David. That would be very nice if this can be implemented soon. It is in a bad location and causing a lot of frustration on all ends!
Thank you for letting me know!
David, The button doesn't disappear. The appointment does when this button is pressed. This was something I spoke with Dentrix Support with and they told me there is nothing they can do about this, that we should do a myvoice and ask for this.
Hi Kristin, thanks for chiming in here on this feature idea. Having a button disappear seems like a product defect. Have you talked to support about this issue?
Yes please! This has been an issue at my clinic. As soon as someone presses that button the appointment disappears! There is no prompt or anything. Please have a security option to disable to have a prompt show before that appointment just disappears.